Had the delight of being asked to co-write a script for the new music video for the band British Sea Power by the videos director Rob Savage and it's now online!
It has already grabbed the attention of PROMO NEWS who described it as "Superbly achieved on a minuscule budget" and as “The video of the moment.” by the British Music Boom
Fun Fact: They also let me act in it, you can catch me for a few seconds at the very end as "The Visitor". Not to spoil anything but it involved me spending most of the day at ARRI, in a latex mask on my hands and knees in a room of men, while Rob shouted orders at me. I think this means I've made it.
The video is for the single “A Light Above Descending,” a track off of sixth studio album Machineries of Joy, which was released last year. The video stars Sammy Williams (Wild Bill) and Izzy Meikle-Small (Never Let Me Go), who are real actors.
Hope you like.